Argon Plus Account information

Argon - the online MUD mapper
Interested in MUD cartography? Sign up now and begin creating maps.
Questions/Comments? Read the manual or Contact me.
PayPal! Create 10 maps for free.
Upgrade your Plus account levels to create more maps, share maps, and get more features.
More info

Make more maps with Plus levels!

At Plus level 1 you will be able to:
1) Create 30 more maps (40 total)
2) Put passwords on maps to share them with friends
3) Access more map icons

At Plus level 2+ you will be able to:
1) Create 30 more maps per additional level
(it's planned to add icon uploading to level 2, and other features are possible).

How do I go up a Plus level?

Via Paypal - log in and visit this spot for Plus account level up buttons.
A button also appears in your map navigation when you're within 5 maps of your limit.